常態行動心理学者の瀬木と申します。 ”常態行動”とは人間が普段、無意識的に行っている行動の事。 例えば朝起きて歯を磨き朝食を食べ、仕事をして、昼食を食べ、仕事再開し、帰宅、夕飯食べて、歯を磨いて寝るという一連の行動形態の事を指しています。 その”日常生活の無意識行動”の中に実は様々な問題が内包されている事に多くの方は気付いておられない。その諸問題を解決する為、何かと難しいと思われている心理学と言う分野を解り易く生活に根ざしたテーマを元に説明させていただきたいと思っています。
Today's theme is about " normal behavioral psychological analysis of social disease proteins that look to recession sense of increase will bring contamination fraud " . Contamination incident later certain frozen food company , contamination incidents occur frequently . Seems a lot of people are misunderstanding contamination I done very easily . Only by opening the lid and mixed foreign matter to report it to the vendor , it is only that . I must open the lid and do not know whether the foreign material is mixed . But Once open the lid speaking inverse , specific foreign objects are mixed at any stage is extremely difficult . Let alone in the contamination incident has attracted a large public attention , social hand land position of food processing company is very weak . Fraud is frequently that marinated in the person's weakness . Of course there will be cases where truly foreign material is mixed . But some of the following after the occurrence contamination incident of incidents that occur in multiple basis to cut the weir to the next is only thinking does not stick and is one that was clearly intentionally done . In doing so this is what people notice that it is a government of inaction and fascism regime that are making the cause of the original a is more the social disease quality of social disease quality is less . Was born these mental illness in immigrant nation , including the United States is difficult originally a multi-ethnic nation identity establishment of . Therefore should not be lower onset rate by placing in Japan is a single ethnic group originally . But viable rate fascism regime on the cause of the individual by the downturn and government of recent business confidence has been utilizing the large even compared with 10 a few years ago . Sonaruto it awakening biological survival instinct has given rise to social disease quality of contamination fraud . What means a long if Abire attention social cognition desire is satisfied. It is to enable life-sustaining increase the life-sustaining force . This is the full extent of recent contamination fraud . It is not other than to make if truly hope contamination fraud eradication to recover the business confidence is abolished fascism by country reinstate the identity of one person people . It is also a certain and at the same time Representative democracy nation of in national obligations at work of government . The unexpected in order to cope with the coming change the some countries now in the range , rather than relying only on government that we can be in our hands . I believe it also now as psychology positions of one person always , and would like to think .

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