常態行動心理学者の瀬木と申します。 ”常態行動”とは人間が普段、無意識的に行っている行動の事。 例えば朝起きて歯を磨き朝食を食べ、仕事をして、昼食を食べ、仕事再開し、帰宅、夕飯食べて、歯を磨いて寝るという一連の行動形態の事を指しています。 その”日常生活の無意識行動”の中に実は様々な問題が内包されている事に多くの方は気付いておられない。その諸問題を解決する為、何かと難しいと思われている心理学と言う分野を解り易く生活に根ざしたテーマを元に説明させていただきたいと思っています。
本日のテーマは『Convenience syndrome(コンビニエンス症候群)が齎す常態行動心理学的諸問題とその解決方法について』。
『Convenience syndrome(コンビニエンス症候群)』とは我が造語。
実はこれがこの『Convenience syndrome(コンビニエンス症候群)』の尤も怖い部分となります。
Today's theme is " Convenience syndrome ( convenience syndrome ) brings the normal behavior psychological problems how to solve them ." My and I coined the " Convenience syndrome ( convenience syndrome ) " . At first glance it appears to a convenience store addiction but Zu non to deer, things are tinged with more severity . In fact, sufferers of this disease is often to celebrities and children . Or you stay in your old body that is no longer move . That is often very affected individuals in the " people Nowak taking care from the people ," the recent surge in the disease . This category is people who do not work with the lazy unconditionally to , but I hard to say that this category move crunchy still in active service because is also stay free does not work people of even the body wanted to move if your old body . Parents are willing to manager anything if further ask even young children and entertainers , etc. . Come and dependencies become so will have been tinged with very high nature . Once upon a time also called were many people who went to walk long distances to distant mountain road to school . And it was not yet at least the person who went to school away anything kilometers wearing sandals in the gravel road without it is paved . While withstand the pain to say that it is possible to beans in it collapses can new beans to foot children to attend to school receives this only hard- because the commute is to be too good I must go home to give something just seriously tuition them The Hirugaeri you can drop off and pick up the also in the countryside there is a shuttle bus or guardian now , also there where also shuttle bus leaves at cram school . Then anything you ask if you finished the brain someone say me to do something . In fact this is the most scary part of this " Convenience When the brain that says me to do something someone if you ask is completed it will not float the idea to say that to do something on your own . This actually causes the cytological big problem . Cells it by human beings is alive Nagarae by offshoot division growth in response to stimulation from the outside . It will not go stimulation to the cell in order to become something in himself progressed because the place is willing to do something someone if you ask and take to the convenience syndrome . Of course and it does not mean to say exactly because I go stimulation to the cell will not go stimulation to cells but active stimulation and passive stimulated by information obtained from the five senses very different stimulus amount to give to the cell . Stimulus obtained by causing themselves willingly action will become a passive stimulate the stimulus given from the others become active stimulation . Of course those of active stimulation than passive stimulation give
to cell stimulation amount will be many . In other words, when suffering from convenience syndrome mortality of how the matter without cell of age will be higher at an accelerated pace . Recent children's athletic ability reduction issues have been serious , but people who know that you say that the original is actually in this convenience syndrome is small. Today's children have no minute opportunity for himself willing to act as compared to the old days , slow cell growth rate , it has also led to reduced exercise capacity . In addition, the decrease in cell growth rate will cause a variety of problems it also lead to a decrease of concentration and endurance rate . The accidents caused by poor concentration at the time of bicycle operation . An increase of resignation consciousness by endurance rate decrease . And it will also be a cause in which they later cause a serious social problem . Measures only one . Someone himself to remove the consciousness to say me to do something does not go unless cause their actions proceed and that instill a sense of crisis say that if you ask . I am so as to show your simulation what happens result of proceeding in this state by the video to these affected individuals to be brought to my original . Who often makes me to think and not go remains now of yourself as appalled become a facial pallor . Then we come true departure from this " convenience syndrome" . Still improvement to be even suffering has been prolonged is possible . Please hit anabolic my gate If you do not want your precious people in haiku poet . I will promise to break away from the convenience syndrome always . Also Let's do our best to healthy today . Today in English .

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