

本日のテーマは『華やかな世界にいる人が華やかではない常態行動心理学的根拠』について。 以前ある大物女優が某番組で最近は『女優』が居ないと豪語されていた。 その理由として『女優』とは『優れた女』と書き才色兼備でなければならないとする考えでありその考えに則ると今の『女優』は『女優』ではないとする物であった。 その事の是非は今、此処で問うべき問題ではない。 今此処で問うべきは『華やかな世界にいる人が華やかではない』事の是非である。 先の大物女優もそうだが昔は経済的困窮から女優の道に進む或いは俳優の道へ進む人が多く今のように有名になりたいとかお金持ちになりたいとか邪な目的で芸能界入りする人は少なかった。 当然品行も方正で今のように未成年者が平気で楽屋で飲酒喫煙するなどあり得なかった。 昔は今のように素人がいきなりテレビや映画に出られる時代ではなくそれぞれの養成所に通い下積みを経て端役から始まり主役の座を射止めるという長いprocessがあった。 今も芸能界のトップに君臨する方々はそういう数々の苦難を乗り越えてトップの座に就かれた方々である。 今のようにその辺でscoutしてきて直ぐデビュー何て軽い物ではなかった。 コネさえ在れば演技力がなくてもドラマや映画に出られるというような甘い世界ではなかった。 全てが実力主義の世界であった。 何故なら戦後の復興期の中で皆、『生きる事』に必死の時代だったからである。 決して生まれは華やかではなくても華やかな世界に身を投じるしか生きる術が無かった。 其処で稼いだお金は大半が実家に送られ実家の生活費に当てられていた。 今のように豪遊できた芸能人等一握りもなく多くは爪に灯をともす生活を強いられた。 それでも生きる為に懸命に耐え続けた。 故に本来ならば華やかな世界に向かない方々の集まりが本来的な芸能界であった。 華やかな世界に向かないのは己の中に華やかさがありその華やかさが芸を磨く糧となり生活を支える礎となった。 翻り現代は真逆である。 猫も杓子も皆、華やかで贅沢の出来る世界に憧れ芸能界入りを果たす。 元々花がないのだからメイクや整形等小手先の技で誤魔化すしかない。 元々音感がない人間が歌を歌うのだから機械の側で調整しなければ聞けたものじゃない。 自らに花がないから華やかな世界に憧れその世界に身を投じる。だが元々花がないのだから人気は一過性で長続きしない。 だから芸能界でキャリアを積めず引退を余儀なくさせられる。事務所は一過性でも儲けが出ればよい。旨味がなければ捨てるだけ。 とても人間的扱いではなく完全に道具扱い。 使われる方も己が道具と知りながら一時の甘い夢に身を委ね人気がなくなれば引退する。 故に芸能界にどんどん花がなくなっていく。 最近は街行く素人の方が遥かに花がある。 だが本当に花のある人間は芸能界なんぞに進まずその花を別の方面で活かす事を考える。 昔は花があったので芸能人には神々しい程のオーラがあったが今はその欠片も感じない。 下手をすれば素人の方にオーラを感じる程。 これが華やかな世界にいる人が華やかではない常態行動心理学的根拠である。 本当に花のある人は華やかな世界には居ない。それはすでに己の中に花があるからだ。 華やかな世界に身を投じているからと自らを花のある人間だと勘違いする痛い人間にだけはなりたくないと思う。 今日も元気に頑張りましょう。 本日は映画と言えばハリウッドという事で英語で。 Today's theme is the " gorgeous person in the world is not glamorous normal behavioral psychology basis " .Recently tycoon actress there previously certain program has been boasted as absent the " actress " . " Actress " now and " actress " The reason is the abide to are considered their idea is that it must be beautiful and intelligent written as " good women " is was to not " actress " Now pros and cons of that thing , not a problem to ask here . Now to ask here is the pros and cons of the " gorgeous person in the world is not glamorous " thing .I hear that before any of the big name actress people but the old days of the entertainment industry into an economic distress advance on the road of the actress from or devious purposes Toka want to be rich and Toka want to be famous like many people now proceed to the road of actor Naturally minors as of now Founder also conduct is not have been such as to drink Smoke in the dressing room in cold blood .There used to be a long process that bring down the seat of the beginning protagonist from bit player through a dues-paying attended each training school rather than the era in which the amateur as of now be out to suddenly television and movies . Those who reign at the top of the entertainment world still is a people who have been stuck in the top of the seat to overcome that kind of a number of hardships . It was not a light thing soon debut Te anything to come to scout now as at that side .Connector even was not a sweet world like that is out to drama and movies even without acting force if . All was a world of meritocracy . Everyone in why if the post-war reconstruction period , because he was desperate era to " live it " .Never born only surgery there was no live throw oneself into glamorous world , if not glamorous . Earned money in that place most had been devoted to the living expenses of the family home is sent to the parents' home . Now many without any entertainer like a handful that could be wild merrymaking as was forced to live that light a light to the nail . We kept hard endure in order to live it any time. Therefore is a collection of people who are not suitable to the glamorous world if originally was inherent entertainment industry .What it is not suited to the glamorous world and became the foundation that supports the life becomes a bread that is the pomp there is pomp in his own polish gay. Hirugaeri Hyundai is a true reverse . Everybody and his dog all , fulfill the entertainment industry into the longing in the world that can be a colorful and extravagant . Originally because there no flowers can do nothing but papered with tricks of makeup and shaping such as superficial . Originally because of human beings there is no pitch is sing It's not those hear it to be adjusted on the side of the machine . Themselves longing to glamorous world because flowers are not to throw oneself into the world . But popular originally because there no flowers do not last long in a transient .So themselves forced to retire can not nail a career in the entertainment industry . Office may be Delle is profitable even in a transient . Just throw away if there is no taste . Very complete tool to handle rather than a human treatment . Retire when no longer popular surrender to a temporary sweet dream while knowing who it is used also as himself is a tool . It lost more and more flowers in the entertainment industry therefore . Recently, there is a much flowers towards the amateur that the city go . But human beings really a flower does not proceed to Nanzo entertainment industry to think that to take advantage of the flower in a different direction .A long time ago because there was a flower but now there was a aura of as divine the celebrities do not feel even the pieces . Enough to feel the aura towards the amateur if the poor . This is the normal behavioral psychology rationale person is not glamorous who is in gorgeous world . Really people with a flower does not stay in the glamorous world . It is because already there is a flower in his own . I think I just do not want to be a painful human to misunderstand that it is human beings with flowers themselves because you have invested yourself in the glamorous world . We 'll do our best to healthy today . Today in English .

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