

本日のテーマは『第二次安倍内閣に見る日本の終焉』について。 物騒なテーマですが中身は更に物騒です。 我が目には第二次安倍内閣組閣人事は『強権独裁内閣』と命名したくなるほど安部氏の総理総裁としての『力』を全面に出した内閣色となっているように思われる。 担当相や入閣を固辞し続けた方々を『自民党ルール』に於いて歴代総理総裁から糾弾される事で外堀を埋めて党内での立場を孤立化させ安部総理総裁に従わざるを得ない形をとっている点。 歴代総裁経験者を党三役に抜擢など。 これは間違いなく死刑執行による死刑廃止運動家団体からのバッシング回避策のように思われる。 石破担当相を始め、今回の組閣人事には『北風と太陽』政策に於ける『北風』の部分をとても強く感じられるように私には思われる。 その影には長崎、広島の被爆者慰霊祭での挨拶文のコピペ問題やオスプレイの国内入港問題等で『弱い総理』のimageが付いた事への払拭の意味合いや今後の米軍基地移設問題等で対米、対中、対韓等の外交政策の際に強気に出る為に自らを鼓舞し強い指導者のイメージを国内外そして何より御自身へ言い聞かせようとしているように思われて仕方がない。 一つには日に日に衰えていく加齢による体力減退による体調管理が挙げられると思われる。 前回は体調不良にて志半ばで総理総裁を下りざるを得なくなりその直後の与党惨敗、野党経験、与党復活劇が影響しているのは間違いない。 安部氏は安部氏なりに数年前の政権交代に責任を感じておられるのだと推察する。 安部氏が一議員の頃から氏を知る私にはそう見える。 とても正義感の強い御仁で頑固一徹な御父様の血筋をそのまま引き継いでおられる。 されどその余りに一本木な性格ゆえに御父様は病に倒れ帰らぬ人となった。 その安部イズムは子息の現総理総裁に引き継がれたが短命の相まで引き継ぐ事は如何な物かと思われる。 『集団的自衛権』は安部一族の二代に渡る悲願である。 嘗て『郵政民営化』を親子二代で成し遂げた安部氏の師匠格にあたる小泉一族の野望の姿にその姿を重ねる事が出来る。 親子二代の悲願達成の為に強権政治を敷いて国民に凡る負担を強いるやり方は北朝鮮の金正日体勢以降の強権政治を彷彿とさせる。 拉致問題で未だ冷戦状態にある国の国主と同じ事を行う事を私は潔しとは思えない。 安部氏には安部氏にしかできないやり方があるはずである。 少なくとも古くから安部氏を知る私の目には今の安部氏は常軌を逸しているとしか思えない。 お父様と有権者であり地元での票の取りまとめをしていた亡父に向けられた視線はとても柔らかで暖かかった。 あの頃の安部氏に今一度帰って欲しいと切に願う物である。 Today's theme is about end of Japan look to the second Abe Cabinet. What is more dangerous is a disturbing theme. Seems to my eyes want to and named "authoritarian dictatorship Cabinet' Abe secondary Cabinet Government personnel, AHA has been out to the whole (force) as the President of Prime Minister Abe's Cabinet color. The point has taken shape filled the moat by continued and they Minister and Cabinet who slammed President from the former Prime Minister in the Liberal-Democratic party rules, to Prime Minister Abe follow group positions within the party. Former President experienced etc etc promoted to sanyaku. This seems definitely not bashing workarounds from the death penalty abolition activist organization by the executioner to. Minister Ishiba, as part of the "North wind' in 'the North wind and the Sun' policy can feel very strongly this formation of a Cabinet appointment seems to me. In the shadow in greeting in Nagasaki, Hiroshima a-bomb Memorial copy and paste and Osprey domestic port problems, etc. "weak Prime Minister, an image dispelled to a dated thing implications and future US military base relocation issue, in during the foreign policy of the United States, China, Korea to play hardball to inspire himself and the image of strong leaders outside the country and above all now appears to be trying to rationalize to himself, there is no way. Seems to include health management by aging in one day by day waning physical strength ebbs. Last time I Triple is not President Prime Minister halfway in poor health forced no doubt affected immediately after that ruling party defeat, opposition experience, ruling party return to form. Abe is Abe gathered to regime change a few years ago feel responsible for that. Abe is a look I know Mr. Since the legislators so. So with a strong sense of Justice go stubborn and bigoted father of Miffy he is. But that too is ippongi personality because the father was who died fell ill. Seems that Renko Xian of ISM was taken over current Prime Minister President of the sons will take over until the short-lived phase you. The "right of collective self-defense" in earnest two generations of the Abe clan. You can overlap the appearance in the sight of the ambition of the Koizumi clan which Abe had achieved a "privatisation" finishing in master case. Authoritarian politics and force unforced that burden to the public for the finishing of the earnest wish achievement way to authoritarian politics of North Korea Kim Jong posture since reminiscent to. I don't think I was ashamed to do the same thing as the country still a cold war State in the abduction issue. In some way not only to Abe Abe. Only think I know since at least ancient times Abe eyes is extraordinary now Abe said. Gaze to the late father had a vote in the local coordination and voter with the father is very soft and warm. At hope that Abe once again wants to go home.

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