

本日のテーマは『安部改造内閣に思う不安に対する常態行動心理学的解釈』について。 安部改造内閣に於いて谷垣氏に変わり新たな法務大臣が誕生。 女性大臣ながらリーダーシップを発揮し、死刑制度に対しても前向きな姿勢を示している事はとても評価に値する。 己の職務を理解し、己の職務の重責を理解し、その上で己の職務を全うしようとする姿勢はこれ迄の大臣には余り見られなかった姿勢であり田中眞紀子元外相に引き続きリーダーシップを発揮してくれる女性大臣の誕生を心より期待を寄せる物である。 だが一方で大臣による職権濫用や特権意識過剰については警告を発しておきたいとも思う。 会見時の大臣の表情は初入閣の緊張はあるにせよとても硬く表情に余裕は感じられなかった。 今回の組閣人事に於ける大臣就任会見全般に言える事だが来年四月の統一地方選挙を睨んでか?とても慎重に発言をしている事がとてもよく目立った。 更に昨日も触れたが石破担当相の件も含め安部改造内閣に於ける安部首相のリーダーシップを強く国民に示した形をとっている事も解る。 だが実はこれは統一地方選挙を睨みとても不安が残る材料と言わねばならない。 過日も触れたが今回の組閣人事はとても『攻めの組閣人事』のように思え、『戦う与党』のイメージをとても強く感じる。 それは裏を返せば消費税増税や移民政策果ては集団的自衛権行使による自民党支持率の低下を恐れての事だと推察される。 更に自民政権として二番目に長かった小泉内閣の自民党支持率に於ける異常な迄の小泉首相の拘りを側で見続けた安部首相の反小泉色を強く打ち出した物とも言える。 やはり安部首相を始め小泉首相以降の首相に関しては『小泉チルドレン』という小泉色をとても強く感じる首相が続きその後の大敗を経ての政権奪取なのでより反小泉色を強く打ち出した組閣人事のように私には思える。 されど我が目にはこれが裏目に出なければ良いがと言う一抹の不安がある。 既述の強権政治の裏にあるのは恐れであり不安である。 一国の国主による不安感は国民に伝搬し拡散、濃縮され首相の元に戻る。 それが国の威信を損なう結果に繋がらない事を切に願う。 真に自民による長期政権維持を望まれるならば恐れを排除し、ありのままの自分を出せる強さを現内閣には強く求めたい。 数年前の悪夢を繰り返さぬ為にも安部改造内閣にはありのままの自分を出せる内閣になってほしいと願う物である。 Today's theme is about "concerns I think Abe reshuffled Cabinet normal behavioral psychological interpretation. In the Abe Cabinet birth remains a new Justice Minister tanigaki. Minister of women and show their leadership, shows a positive attitude for the death penalty so deserves praise. Attitude to understand the duties of his own and understand the burden of his duties and fulfill his duties on that is not seen too much Minister until this attitude and rice in the birth of a female Minister in former Foreign Minister Makiko Makiko will continue to exert leadership OJ expectations than the mind thing. But I also want alarmed about abuse of authority by Minister and privileged consideration excess at hand. Even tension of the first cabinet is the Minister at a news conference can afford did not feel to look very hard. Minister inaugural conference in this formation of a Cabinet appointment in General can say that local elections in April next year to stare at? Things have been very cautious remarks stood out very well. Further understood also has taken shape shown strong national leadership of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe at Abe reshuffled Cabinet including Minister Ishiba views mentioned yesterday. But actually I say this is material uncertainty remains so keep tabs on local elections. Some days ago I mentioned above seem "aggressive Government personnel' to this formation of a Cabinet appointment so, feel very strongly"fight ruling party' image. Suggested cautiously it is raising the consumption tax and immigration policies even afraid of Liberal-Democratic Party support rate by the exercise of collective self-defense rights thing. Even as the Liberal-Democratic party political power was long the second Koizumi cabinet Liberal Democratic Party support rate of abnormal until the ones laid out strongly anti-Koizumi color of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe kept looking on the side of Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi said. Continued I started to Prime Minister Shinzo Abe about Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi after the Prime Minister Koizumi colors that Koizumi's children's very strongly feel Prime Minister, is the seizure of political power after the crushing defeat of then it seems to me so strongly out anti-Koizumi color formation personnel. Some say but in my eyes this backfires leave the good is uncertain. Is on the back side of the authoritarian politics of the aforementioned fear anxiety in there. Due the country insecurity then propagates to the public diffusion, and return enriched compels phase. Hopefully things not connected to the results it damaging the prestige of the country. Strength and eliminates the fear if you truly desired to maintain the long-term administration by the Liberal Democratic Party, who want strongly in the present Cabinet. At hope would become Cabinet peaces herself on Abe reshuffled Cabinet for mistakes a nightmare a few years ago.

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