常態行動心理学者の瀬木と申します。 ”常態行動”とは人間が普段、無意識的に行っている行動の事。 例えば朝起きて歯を磨き朝食を食べ、仕事をして、昼食を食べ、仕事再開し、帰宅、夕飯食べて、歯を磨いて寝るという一連の行動形態の事を指しています。 その”日常生活の無意識行動”の中に実は様々な問題が内包されている事に多くの方は気付いておられない。その諸問題を解決する為、何かと難しいと思われている心理学と言う分野を解り易く生活に根ざしたテーマを元に説明させていただきたいと思っています。
Today's theme is the normal behavior psychological matter " specific secret protection law did not fulfill ? " National feelings of anger against Goto 's killing of those flows terrorists in Japan is only growing . Government is also desperately trying to his own blunder in Hitakakushi towards the public sentiment to the terrorists . This aspect is exactly the same behavior as the democratic government leaders at the time of the Great East Japan Earthquake . Problem that I must be this time most problematic is the role that form the " specific secret protection law " . Originally " specific secret protection law " is supposed it was just cause to say and to help to quickly obtain the information Japanese victim rescue when Japanese is involved in terrorism and natural disasters and accidents abroad Saredo Unfortunately this case it would be say that this bill was not completely useless . And not only this case . Japan 's creditworthiness and put in an emergency yada can not be not discuss . While it is possible to discuss the Japan of credit yada speaking the reverse would be reasonable to assume that urgency is low. Government in response to the results of this terrorist incident should be made a law revision of as soon as possible specific secret protection law . Not that the future of Japanese victims of overseas reduced as long as it is unexpected to revise this . Rather think Japanese is that they should be aware that it is targeted . Also Ganbarimashō energetic today .
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