

本日のテーマは『長期療養者の常態行動心理学的死亡理由』について。 先程も述べましたが今年に入り私の身内や近隣者の訃報が相次いで居ります。 目を外界へ転じてみても芸能界を始めとして多くの有名人が多く他界されておられます。 何故今年に入ってこれだけ多くの方が亡くなられているのでしょうか? 一つには異常気象が挙げられます。 朝晩と日中の寒暖差が激しく健常な者でも疲労感は相当な物です。 まして病に冒され体力や気力を奪われた方々にとっては更に辛いと思います。 拍車を掛けるのが国内情勢の不安定さです。 意識の有る方は勿論意識がない方でも回りの方々の影響を受けます。 感情の伝播性は意識の有無に関係有りません。 更にW杯の熱狂により感情の起伏が国民感情的に激しくなりそれも又、病身の身にはstressと成ります。 此処で忘れてはならない事は健康な方でも病身の方でも掛かるstressは同じであるという事です。 寧ろ狭い空間で五感を奪われ五感情報をアップデート出来ない入院患者や持病を抱える方は健康な方よりも多くstressを体に受けます。 それが体に毒素を垂れ流す結果となり抵抗力を落とし絶命に至らせる原因となります。 政府の無策は間接的に殺人罪を冒しているのと同等の重罪を冒しているのと同義です。 殺人幇助罪に該当する行為と言っても過言ではないでしょう。 先日も某議員のセクハラ野次問題がクローズ・アップされましたがこのような事が公にされ騒がれる国が我が国の現状です。 発言自体というよりも余りにも政治家のモラルが低下しそのモラルの低下が国民の不安感情を煽っている事を国を預かる議員方々には肝に銘じて戴きたいと思います。 生物の命は例えそれがどのような存在であれ地球よりも重いのだという事を政治家方々には今一度学習を願いたいと思います。 Today's theme is about "long term care of normal behavioral psychological death reason'. Earlier this year we obituary with my relatives and neighbors who series mentioned earlier. Also try turned to the outside world to Showbiz as many celebrity many died, is he is. Why earlier this year, many people died just this? Include abnormal weather, for one thing. Intense temperature differentials between day and night and during the day healthy, even tiredness is substantial. I think more painful for people deprived of physical strength and energy are much less affected by a disease. But to spur domestic instability. Have the awareness of affected people around the course consciousness without any. The propagation of feelings had nothing to with or without awareness. Even by the excitement of the World Cup mood swings people emotionally intense, it also consists of the body of ill health and stress. Also here is healthy is hanging even sickly stress is the same as that. People with chronic disease and hospitalized patients cannot update the senses information rather deprived of senses in the narrow space is more than healthy people and affected by stress in the body. Will cause to bring unwinnable results it is discharging the toxins in the body become resistant drop. It is synonymous with of and of the failure of the Government running the murder indirectly running the equivalent of a felony. Will is not exaggeration to say murder and abetting any act. Countries be sought after, things like this are publicly the other day some harassment taunted legislators can participate has been Japan. I think legislators who have fueled public anxiety emotion and moral decline and decreases morals of politicians too as the speech itself rather than to keep the country result in mind. Living life even if the it heavier than wasteland sphere what's on politicians who once again learning would like ask.

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