

今日のテーマは『常態行動心理学的核家族化が齎す引きこもりの原因』について。 この時期、もう一つ大変なのが引きこもり対策です。 お盆時期は皆さんお休みなので違和感はないですがお盆が明けると未だ家に引き篭もる人間はとても目立ちます。 本人もそれを理解しつつ中々外に出るきっかけをつかめません。 実はこれにはpersonal spaceが大きく関係しています。 つまり近接距離の事です。 昭和初期迄は所謂大家族が基本でした。 親、兄弟は元より祖父母や親戚のおじさん、おばさん迄も同居の家族形態が普通でした。そうなると己のpersonalspaceを如何に確保するかに苦慮し早く広いspaceを確保すべく実家を巣立つ若者がとても多く居ました。 今ほど都会の存在が近くもなく、何時間も駆けて上京せねばならず別世界への扉を開く感覚が当時の若者には有ったと聞きます。 翻り現代。 各々個室を与えられ、各々TVや家電等自室に持ち込めるようになり己のpersonal spaceは割りと容易に獲得できるようになりました。 又、百均goodsや近所のコンビニへ足を運べば独り暮らし用便利グッズや個食用食品に溢れ態々家族で食卓を囲む必要もなくなりました。 もう一つ忘れてはならないのが親の権威の失墜です。 先に述べた昭和初期の頃はまだ家長制度が色濃く残り絶対君主制が家庭内でも敷かれており家長の絶対的存在感が場の安定性を保って居りました。 時流れて現代。 女性の収入が男性を上回るようになり女性の社会的地位の上昇により力で捩じ伏せようとする男性家長の地位は失墜し家族内の統率が取れなくなりました。 すると家族内balanceが崩れそれがお心の安定を阻害し外へ出る事への恐怖心を煽り引きこもりが増えます。 長年のデータを取ると引きこもりのパターンが見えてきます。 その中で尤も顕著なのが核家族化と家長の家庭内権威の失墜が原因のケースがとても目立ちます。 対策としては家庭内の居心地を悪くしてpersonal spaceの確保を困難にする事。 つまり過干渉を増やす事。 更に家長の失われた家庭内の地位を復権させ家長制度を復活される事。 勿論方法はこれだけではありませんがこのような方法で私は多くの引きこもりを社会復帰させてきました。 今の引きこもり対策の一つとしてグループ療法を行われる心理職の方が居られるが先のpersonal space理論で解釈すれば同族意識が高まり互いのpersonal spaceを共有できる環境となる為に異質性が排除され同質性が強調され互いの団結力が高まりより引きこもりが堅固になる危険性を孕んでいます。 それでは本末転倒。 やはりグループ療法は私は間違った療法だと解釈します。 私はこれからも独自療法にて引きこもり対策を行い日本国内に於ける労働力を多く提供し国力増強に努めたいと思います。 Today's theme is "normal behavioral psychology cause withdrawal bring the nuclear family ' about. At this time, one more serious withdrawal measures. You guys during Obon holidays since early Bon is not uncomfortable but is still pulling close to home Moru human is very noticeable. While he understood it and mobs started to go while people outside. Actually in this personal space is heavily tied. In other words is the proximity and distance. So-called family was the base until the early Showa period. Parents, siblings than the original by grandparents or other relatives uncle and aunt family forms of cohabitation were normally. There were so many young people in family life and struggle and personalspace of how to ensure the faster and wider space to ensure. I hear there was feeling close enough to now exist in the city, running for many hours must be moved to Tokyo, open the door to another world to young people at that time. Modern enfold. Given to each individual room and personal space of his own win easily are now split and each room TV and consumer electronics such as carry-on to be. Again, hundreds visited to the average goods and neighborhood convenience stores alone goods or pieces no longer need full of edible food, all in the family around the table. Don't forget one more thing is the loss of parental authority. Mentioned earlier Showa early days still Patriarch system heavily remaining absolute monarchy in homes carpeted the sort inclined to return keeping the stability field of absolute presence of the Patriarch. Jump on the bandwagon are modern. Prestige and status to squeeze in force due to the rise of women's social status, women's income will outweigh the male and male Patriarch, now out of leadership in the family. Crumbling family in balance and fear of going outside, and inhibit the stability of thinking it increases the withdrawal a gust of wind. Take data for many years and you will see patterns of the seclusion. That although prominent home in the authority of each family and Patriarch is very emphatic cause cases. Thing as a cozy home in bad, difficult to ensure the personal space. This means increasing the interference. That reinstated Patriarch system and wield further lost Patriarch of household status. Is not of course as this is how in this way I and the withdrawal of many society to return has been. Nye has danger of eliminating heterogeneity to be environment can share each other's personal space, if interpreted in the theory of personal space psychology job done group therapy as the withdrawal measures right now one thing is that you will be more clannish and homogeneity are highlighted and solidarity for one another than the growing withdrawal to become firm. So upside down. Still the group therapy I'm wrong therapy and interpreted. I think I make withdrawal measures its own therapy from this labor force in Japan Japan many offers to national power enhancement.

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