

本日のテーマは『都知事選』について。 各党共に都知事候補を擁立し一見するととても豪華な顔ぶれに見えます。 されど殆どが『負け組』の方々です。 政権交代で総理の座を譲り渡した方や同じく政権交代で大臣の座を譲り渡した方々です。 彼らの中に有るのは都政を何とかしたいという思いよりも果たせなかった夢を叶えたいという野心だけです。 勿論玉虫色に彩られた公約を幾つも掲げそれで都民の目を欺こうと必死であります。 されど私は都知事選に対して都民だけの投票で良いのか?という疑問を強く感じます。 今回の東京五輪誘致をみても解る通り、日本経済の中枢を預かる大事なお役目を都知事は担っています。 確かに社会的立場で言えば都の代表ですがその実は日本の代表の一翼を担っています。 特に石原都政では国政にもその手腕を発揮し舵取りの一翼を担っていました。 猪瀬知事の汚名返上する為にも今回の都知事選は都民だけでなく地方の票もある程度集める必要を私は感じます。 さすればより責任は重くなり先の知事のような失態を繰り返さずに済みます。 都知事の恥は国の恥と同じ。 つまり国辱です。 国辱を味わうは都民だけでなく国民全体です。 私は都知事選のあり方を今一度問い直す時期に来ていると思います。 Today's theme is about "Governor". Parties together fielded a gubernatorial candidate and, at first glance looks very gorgeous faces. But most of them are "losers" who. And handed over to the seat of the Prime Minister on regime change is the people in the regime handed over Minister's seat. Is the only ambition was thought of during their Tokyo Metropolitan Government do not want more than dreams. And so mislead the citizens of its pledge of course decorated with iridescent to many in desperate. But my gubernatorial election only citizens vote for good? The question I feel strongly. As understood even if try this Tokyo Olympics invitation care care center of the Japan economy still responsible for Governor is responsible. Is certainly speaking in a social position is representative of the Metropolitan part plays the part of the representative of Japan. Especially in ◆ exert its finesse to the Government, was responsible for part of the steer. Stigma substitutional inose Governor for I feel should gather citizens as well as the regional votes are also a gubernatorial election this time. You are responsible for heavier and need repeat the blunder like the Governor ahead of the. Shame on the Governor of the same and the shame of the country. It is a national disgrace. A national disgrace to taste is the whole people as well as citizens. I think I have come during the gubernatorial election to question once again.

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