
昨日の昼食&ティータイム&夕飯&Good morning

昨日の昼食 ハンバーグランチとフレンチリモナードなうw 昨日のティータイム アイスコーヒーなうw 昨日の夕飯 ソーメン、ビール以上w Good morning. Today's Yamaguchi (1 ℃ compared to the previous day) temperature of 35 degrees sunny then cloudy Today's breakfast Tomatopiza, almond sugar crash bread, Seaweed salad and homemade pickles sour my summer vegetables, myst beans ice coffee. Sun today is working away from the office. Save this job over in the night from evening by the convenience of the brethren. Hot day today. The indoor and outdoor heat illness Please note earnestly. Good luck to healthy day today. 

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