

本日のテーマは『金融のあり方について』 昨日ショッピングモールへ買い物へ出掛けました。 消費税増税迄後僅かであり店内は何処も増税前の在庫一斉処分に湧いておりました。 特に激安店のお店には多くの買い物客が押し寄せ店内はごった返しておりました。 されどやはり増税前の不安感からか財布の紐は固く買い物袋を手に提げている人は余り見掛ける事はなく所謂『window shopping』を楽しむ姿の方々を多く見かけました。 一方で被災地の地方自治体の復興予算の基金化が今大きな問題となっています。 復興予算を組まれてもそれを有効活用する人員と設備不足の為にそれらの資金が宙に浮き基金化が進んでいるとの事。 今国内でインフラとデフレが同時に起こっているとても珍しい現象が起きています。 されど常態行動社会心理学的には極めて理解が可能な範疇です。 社会学者のバージェスによる『同心円理論』を出すまでも有りません。 つまり震災後職や家を失った多くの県民、市民が他見へ移り住む形となり被災地に於けるドーナツ現象即ち人口の空洞化が起こります。 されど町自体の復興をしなければ人はどんどん街から消えてなくなります。 故に復興支援を行いますが肝心の復興支援を行う人手が足りません。 勿論多くの支援者からの支援は今だ有りますが今必要なのは人的支援です。 我が愚兄も建築士として現地入りし大腸がんを患いながら多くの被災者の為に仮設住宅建設に尽力してきました。 明日で丸三年。 三年目を迎えるに当たり政府には『本当の意味での復興支援』とは何かを今一度問い直して欲しいと思います。 只、お金を注ぎ込むだけで良いという話ではなく人的支援や知的支援こそがこれからの被災地には必要です。 原発問題を語る事も大事、再発防止を考える事も大事。 されどもっと大事なのは被災地を守る事です。 被災地を一刻も早く被災地という名で呼ばせない努力を政府には強く望みます。 Today's theme is "a study of financial' yesterday to the shopping mall shopping went out on. Consumption tax hike until after and had begs shop is also where the simultaneous disposal of inventory before the tax increase. Especially in the low-price shops was thronged flocked Interior many shoppers. But it is still before the tax increase anxiety or purse strings not thing too come across people's shopping bag in hand holding firmly saw many people enjoying the so-called "window shopping". On the other hand big problem now is Fund of budget for reconstruction of stricken municipalities. It also designed the reconstruction budget to leverage it personnel and facilities due to lack those funds are up in the air floating Fund is becoming. Very rare phenomenon in domestic infrastructure and deflation at the same time going has occurred. It is a category but it is normal behavior outside psychologically extremely understanding possible. No mention by the sociologist, Burgess 'concentric theory. That is, occurs when donut symptoms in affected areas namely artificial hollow and many residents lost jobs and homes after the earthquake, citizens moved elsewhere to form. But to the reconstruction of the town itself people rapidly vanished from the streets, no longer. Manpower do vital reconstruction assistance provides assistance in reconstruction because there is not enough. Of course support from many donors are now there is now human assistance is needed. Even my short and arrived as the architect, helped many victims suffered colon cancer while for temporary housing construction. Circle three years tomorrow. I want ask once again marks the third to per Government and "reconstruction assistance in the real sense, something. The story that put money only in the good, not the personnel and intellectual support to the stricken area from this need is. Take care speak the nuclear issue also thinking big deal and prevent a recurrence. But more important is protecting victims. Efforts affected areas as soon as possible not as affected areas under the name hope strongly to the Government.

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